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All about breed: Balinese cat

The blue eyes of the Balinese cat will surely charm you! (Photo: theo_the_balinese)

The Balinese cat, or formerly the long-haired Siamese cat, is a relatively new elegant cat breed. It is very similar in nature to the more familiar Siamese cat, although their breeders claim that it is calmer, unlike its shorthaired relatives. This beauty originated in the USA, but got her name from the dancers of Bali - for her grace and graceful movements.

Briefly to the history of the breed

Balinese cats are directly bred from the Siamese cat. Over the generations, Siamese cats have had kittens born here and there with much longer fur than their siblings. This trait, which was initially discarded from breeding, had its origin in genes. If the gene is recessive (receding) in cats it can be passed between cats for generations and may not produce a furry kitten, but if two individuals with the gene cross, there is a high probability that one of the kittens will be furry. American breeders took these special furry kittens in the early 1970s and bred them into the Balinese cat we know today.

The Bali dancers are elegant, their movements are deliberate yet graceful, and so are the Balinese cats.


Like the Siamese cat, the Balinese is a medium-sized breed, which is around 2.5-5 kg. Their body is long and slender, their head with large ears form an almost perfect triangle. The allowed colour variations are the same as the Siamese cats which are:

  • White

  • Seal point (black-brown)

  • Red point

  • Chocolate point

  • Blue point

  • Lilac point

  • Cream point

  • Cinnamon point

  • Fawn point

Only feline cats have the popular tortoiseshell colouring:

  • Seal tortie point (black and brown tortoiseshell points)

  • Chocolate tortie point

  • Blue tortie point

  • Lilac tortie point

  • Cinnamon tortie point

  • Fawn tortie point

In addition, all colour variants are also available with a drawing (tabby). The eyes of Balinese are blue (light to dark), but for show cats dark eyes are preferred.

The coat is semi-long, fine with less undercoat. The hair on the tail, collar and shoulders is longer and just as silky soft.

Does a Balinese cat require any special care?

Balinese do not require any special care. You can brush your cat during the lazy season. If the cat goes outside, you can of course bathe it. Brushing and claw trimming are not particularly different from other cat breeds.

What is their nature?

They are very playful, intelligent with a distinctive character. They require the attention of a person they want to play with, cuddle or just lie near. They do not tolerate loneliness well. Like Siamese cats, they can make their displeasure (when they feel they are being neglected or under-cared for) loudly known by meowing. They usually get along well with other cats and pets - if you're staying late at work, and yet this elegant blue-eyed cat has charmed you, it's a good idea to get her some companionship for her lonely days. But of course, this is not a complete replacement and you shouldn't leave cats/pets alone for longer than the time you are at work!

Kotě a dospělák – rozdíl jeden rok. Zbarvení chocolate point. (Foto: theo_the_balinese)
Kitten and adult - one year difference. (Photo: theo_the_balinese)


  • The kittens are always born white and get their badges later - the coat does not become established until about a year old.

  • This is a very intelligent breed that can be taught all sorts of tricks and stunts.

  • They are playful even at an old age - you will definitely not be bored with a Balinese at home.

  • They are one of the few cat breeds that produce less Fel D1 protein in their saliva, so they may be suitable for some allergy sufferers.


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